A Year in Review
As the year comes to an end, we would like to take the opportunity to look back and review. 2020 was certainly a year of unique challenges for all, but there has been many bright spots and accomplishments as well! We would like to share a few highlights of 2020, as we all look forward to a brighter 2021.
Expanding Our Services
We expanded our services to now include 24/7 monitoring to keep your property protected. Read more on our all-inclusive fire protection solutions here.

Improving our Safety Record
We would like to thank everyone on our team and yours who took extreme ownership to improve our safety record. With everyone’s commitment and dedication to safety during 2020, our team reached 7 Million hours without a lost time incident, and we continue to strive towards 8 Million in the new year.

Giving Back to the Community
Check out how USAFP collaborated with Local 281 to donate a state-of-the-art fire sprinkler system to the Mission of Our Lady of Angels (OLA), site of the devastating 1958 fire.

Protecting Our Pets
USAFP brought awareness to the revisions in the Animal Welfare Act that now requires facility owners to either install a fire alarm system, fire sprinkler system, or have 24/7 staff on-site.

Call us today at 847-816-0050. We are more than happy to assist with your fire and life safety system planning and scheduling. Ready to receive a free quote? Click here!