Be Present, Be Focused, Be Safe
Construction Safety week is dedicated to teaching employees to prioritize physical and psychological safety while on and off the job. Each year it is important to refocus and re-energize safety efforts and remind ourselves how to stay safe.
Usually, what comes to mind about safety in the construction industry are PPE, equipment inspections, and the policies and protocols to prevent on-site injuries. Although all those things are important, there is a lot more to it. Whether it be from the workplace or home, mental distractions can interfere with focus and awareness, causing workplace injuries. Therefore, we must prioritize physical and psychological safety in the workplace every day.
Today more than ever, the construction industry is prioritizing mental health and well-being. Often referred to as “the silent epidemic,” construction has the second-highest suicide rate by occupation in the United States. To face this silent epidemic, we must first understand what causes it and continue to work together to overcome it. Our industry is often labeled as an “old school” or “tough” culture, but we must realize that this is changing. Click here to learn more about the 2021 Construction Safety Week Campaign to bring our safest, most productive, best selves to work.
At USAFP, we take a genuine interest in our team members’ overall well-being. Take a minute and learn the warning signs of someone who may be struggling, such as significant mood changes, withdrawals, tardiness, and substance abuse. You may be the help that person needs. At USAFP, we have an employee assistance program or direct talk/ therapy service. Encourage the use of these tools and always remember help is available. Together we can make a difference.
Remember that small changes each day can have a tremendous impact over time on your overall well-being, such as:
- Aim for 8+ hours of sleep per night
- Maintain a healthy balanced diet
- Stay hydrated throughout the day
- Participate in daily stretch and flex activities
- Practice proper lifting techniques
- Wear proper PPE
Safety Activity
Above all, safety is important at any age. The best way to stay safe at any time is through proper PPE and by teaching others to do the same. Have the aspiring artist in your life identify and color the PPE in the below coloring sheet. Then, post the masterpiece on social media and tag USAFP for a chance at a shout-out from our team!

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