Fire Prevention Week 2020
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 was one of the most devastating fires to date, killing over 250 people and destroying over 17,400 structures. As a result, in 1925 President Calvin Coolidge started the National Observance of Fire Prevention Week to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire. Fire Protection week has been recognized the week of October 9th every year since.
This year the NFPA’s Fire Prevention Week campaign is, “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen!” Cooking is the #1 cause of home fires and fire-related injuries. The goal of this campaign is to educate all ages on how to keep themselves and those around them safe in the kitchen.
Follow along as we recognize Fire Prevention Week with a new fire-related topic and activity for each day of the week!
Fire Prevention Week Introduction

The goal this week is for everyone to learn how to stay safe in case of fire. Click here to learn about the history of Fire Prevention Week. Make sure to follow the daily schedule of fire prevention activities.
Serve Up Fire Prevention in the Kitchen

It’s easy to get distracted while cooking, but stay in the kitchen while you are frying, boiling, grilling, or broiling food. Watch this video on kitchen fire prevention. Can you tell what he was doing wrong?
Create your Home Fire Escape Plan

It is best to practice your fire escape plan by having a fire drill at your home or business at least twice a year. This is a perfect time to create or practice your plan. Once you have your plan, make it a contest by seeing how fast you can get to your meeting spot.
Fire Protection for Those at Risk

Individuals with disabilities such as hearing loss are especially at risk for fire injury. A smoke alarm with a lower pitched sound or one with bright flashing lights may be needed. Does everyone in your home or business know the signal of fire and what to do?
Fun Friday Fire Prevention Games

It’s the last day of fire prevention week, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop here. Have fun and make fire prevention part of your E-learning. Click here for virtual games and activities to do any time of year.
To learn more about the fire and life safety systems we offer, call 847-816-0050, or visit our website here.