Engineering & Design
USA Fire Protection is proactively committed toward effective engineering, design, and 3D Modeling (BIM) to take your project from start to finish, with the top safety systems. BIM is an integrated process in our fire sprinkler system using 3D design. This 3D model is used to communicate the design information in complex situations. BIM creates green construction through an efficient layout and less need for printed documents. One unique feature of BIM is the ability to preview the features and benefits included with the proposed BIM services for your next project.
DESIGN MODEL – Project scope documents prepared by design professionals including architectural, structural, MEP and site/civil.
CONSTRUCTION MODEL – Layout documents prepared by the various building trade contractors that include a finer level of detail, for example, dimensioned placements and construction
SCHEDULE MODEL (4D) – linking the work sequences to the scope defined in the Design
COST MODEL(5D) – linking costs to the scope defined in the Design
FABRICATION MODEL – digital models to replace traditional shop drawings and create an accessible permanent record of the materials provided and their sources
OPERATIONS MODEL – the owner’s permanent record, it includes all inspection, testing and maintenance requirements keyed directly to specifically tagged pieces of equipment